Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday Riff

My body came awake long before my mind filtered into consciousness and the day started as I rolled out of bed, cotton sheets rumpled and tossed. Bare feet gripping hard wood on a journey to the head. Water splashed face and urge relieved I stared a moment into eyes sunlit and questing. Simple poses led putting the frame through its paces and the exertion seemed to bring that me back to the flickering surface, but still not broached.

Slipping frayed navy shorts over hips brought a semblance of decorum and windows open I stepped into the out of doors. Beautiful day, all so green, I sat and blinked. Sounds and sights as the world awoke around me. Breeze tickled bare skin and made me laugh. The sound caught the attention of a passing cat and we pondered each other as we both sat down. Back and joints crackling comfortably in a long lazy stretch.

A yawn broke my face and I let the sound go as it may. The cat passed on and I rose to return inside. Coffee timer on, soothing, perking and snuffling with its sounds of promise. That smell of morning time and not yet showered. A man scent, familiar and raw. This is life. My life. Hello Tuesday morning!

So many things accomplished yesterday. The gathering of all the paperwork that will ease my transit into yet another school this fall. Transcripts, medical records, papers, recommends, references, stuff upon stuff. It was amazing to be back at my old high school and then University and see those familiar halls and grounds. So many loaded memories simply awakened by walking in paths I used to tread. Remembering who I was and what I lived in those years not too far hence. It is amazing how time pauses for no man. Looking into those faces of the past, hanging on the walls, so full of light and promise. That hope and question of what is to come. I remember me. I recall us. I knew them...once.

Ecclesiastes kicked my ass last night. I read it all in a sitting as I listened to worship and it made me weep. I did not hide my tears from others, but simply sat and considered all that was written there as it was spoken to me from the far distant past.

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

We all come to from to nothing. What is my life, it is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little while, and then vanisheth away.

Consider thy Creator in the days of thy youth...

I am realizing that I either have to change my ways, or change my name.

More thoughts later once the brain boots up. I am still bleary eyed from sleep and all the cylinders are not firing, but this is what was in my head at the moment.


  1. I think you have convinced me that I will be reading Ecclesiastes very soon. Thanks Daemon!

  2. He is doing a work in you, D. It's painful & beautiful at the same time.
