Sundays have always been one of my favorite days. It seems to be a time set aside for a collective sigh of relief and a slowing of our lives to enjoy those around us, worship if so inclined, a time of rest and leisure that this country still has yet to shed with all the vestiges of the past Puritanical era that has held grip and sway on collective minds since the 1600's. I find it ironic that the Pilgrims and Puritans who came here for religious freedom did not practice such in their colonies. There was a tax if you were to miss church or not tithe the recommended amount and some went as far as to cut the ears off of Quakers. Many others, over the years, were killed as a result of believing anything different than the accepted status quo. Seems like not much has changed, as the "religious right" feels that freedom of religion should only be extended to those who believe as they do. A Wiccan church can be granted tax free status as a church but gay Christians are still relegated to hell for being an abomination? So confusing all these faiths that jostle around for attention...and dollars. Don't forget that! God is really bad with money, He always needs just a little more. (hope you realize I am kidding)
Popped my neck this morning in bed and now it hurts. I wasn't really awake yet and stretched really hard, arching my back and *snap* something in the base of my neck let go and now...OW! Oh well. guess I better start getting used to feeling more pain in life. I know I certainly haven't had much in comparison to others I know. My life has been pretty pain free physically. My body has always done what is asked of it, without complaining, but lately, the aches take longer to go away after a work out, the good burn from a long run seems to settle in deeper and those "Ahhhhhs" when stretching are starting to turn into "Owwwwws"! Hmm...must be one of the perks of getting a bit older. I am not liking it one bit!
Switched to decaf for my morning "coffee before coffee shop" coffee. That might make me a little more At least this stuff tastes the same, but I can tell it doesn't have that jolt that I so often crave. I wonder if I am addicted to coffee? I am not sure, I guess. I never tried to quit.
Still not speaking to my Dad.
Wonder what I will wear today? It is getting cooler in the mornings and evenings with the top down. Feels good to break out the fall clothes, though long pants and jeans feel weird on my legs. So do the extra layers on my arms and body, but I do love the crisp fall weather.
Hmm...guess I do no have much on my mind this morning. At least, not on the surface. Life could be better, it could be worse. Still in this holding pattern of waiting for school to start and trying to fill my time with quality things and people. Much harder to do without getting into trouble. Oh well, Happy Sunday!
Just finally checked out your blog. MAN you love to write... I love the blog.