Thursday, July 21, 2011

Life at High Speed

Been hella busy and have not had much time to sit down here and get my thoughts out for a few days. Work has been a bit frantic, what with the VP firing the Executive Chef and leaving us all to deal with the aftermath of running two restaurants and all the events that were scheduled for all the hotels and Country Club. So yeah...hopping around like crazy in my life. Been busy with all my guys and activities when not at work, so the days get packed pretty damn quick.

Hmm...the car is clean, I am showered and shaved, waiting on the coffee maker to do its thing and then I am hitting the road for another long day. Looks to be at 12 hours at the minimum. We have breakfast to serve, then a business luncheon. After that a BBQ for a soccer tournament (yummy, guys/food) and then a ginormous wedding reception tonight! (awww)

When I get a moment, I swear I'll update my life and bring ya'll up to speed on whats been going on in my head and my heart. James says hi, btw. He is tucked in bed at the moment and refuses to deal with my new early morning schedule. Typical boy...

Life is good. I mean that. I am loving every moment of this. Strange, huh?



  1. About time life is good; too many 'my life sucks' blogs around lol. Holy crap what did they fire the Executive Chef for? The guy deserves a medal for his job as far as I am concerned. - Wayne :)(and hello James!)

  2. Wow, I'm away from your blog a few weeks, and BAM! you have James in your life!

    I'm very happy for you both, and hope you both enjoy each other and the wonder of life.

    Your gripping story below was very moving also. You have a gift for writing.

    michael e

  3. Thanks, Michael. Hope you are well. James has been around for quite a while, but I really have not commented or written much on our relationship, as I feel that some parts of my life are more special when shared simply between us and close friends. Thanks for the kind words and look forward to catching up on life with you. Ciao!

