Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wow...what a bright morning!

Woke up about 20 minutes ago singing a song in my head and feeling the bed thrum underneath me as my legs beat that weird rhythm they do when I stretch them out so hard they shake. Anyone else ever have that happen to them? It is kind of cool and feels sooo good! Like they are having some kind of happiness, ectasy seizure. It kind of feels sexual at first, but I think it is just more sensual, or male, or something. was cool! Mah legs are kind of sore in that awesome I worked out so hard yesterday achey good in your crotch, calves and shins sort of way. Wow...I am awake now! These yawns keep splitting my smile open with some kind of weird moan, roar things!

Stephen just texted me to get over to his loft and eat some breakfast with him. More like come over and cook him some breakfast! :D The sun is out, it looks amazing outside and the car is clean! Just need to drop the top and start my day for reals. Guess updating mah blog on the amazing day I had yesterday will just have to wait until later. Hope you all have peace and are finding happiness with the ones you are with.


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