Monday, April 19, 2010

Long ass day!

Up late tonight after a long and productive day. Woke up early, got my coffee going and bounced out the door two hours early for church. Swung by my coffee shop and grabbed my usual, as well as some pastries and headed out to the back patio. After a bit of solitude, friends from church showed up and we all hung out before service. It was strange to be surrounded by people I knew and all of their children in a space that usually I haunt alone, or with solitary friends of like minds.

Headed over to church and listened to a guest speaker from Yale state simply that he did not believe the Bible was literal, and that in the parable he spoke on, that it was simply the Jewish retelling of an ancient fable meant to combat social injustice and class warfare. I kind of think that is a bunch of crap, but then what do I know?

Got called into work for a few hours and held down the fort while my boss checked in on different locations in the district and when he returned I headed back into the sunshine and over to Michael's to see what was up with the yard project. Pulled in and was greeted by a sweaty, shirtless guy who was digging around in the dirt, laying stone for a raised rose bed. I am sorry, but that was just damn sexy!

Ended up getting the entire wall laid today, all the sod transplanted and the hybrid tea roses are going to be freakin' awesome! We got cleaned up after working for about 6 hours and went for a long drive around the city before settling at Sharps to eat dinner and relax. Swung by and got some ice cream and sat on a bench just being silly and talking about strangers. Headed back and hung out a bit then came home and have spent some time catching up with friends before becoming embroiled in a talk about faith with a buddy.

I guess I am frustrated right now because I often lack the understanding or language that I need to express myself correctly and accurately to others. I also am saddened by the fact that many times I cannot understand people either. Our definitions are different, or speech is skewed when it should intersect. Why is it so hard to connect on matters of life, reality and faith with others who are coming from other worlds and spaces? I get angered at the futility of the word handles we use to carry around the concepts, ideas and beliefs that reside in our heads and hearts. The noises we make are such a crude and feeble way at attempting to know and be known. I hope that in my earnestness and rudimentary way that I communicate, that I do not offend or dampen others sensibilities or spirits. All to often, I am the only one who knows what I am talking about.

I go to bed body weary, heart sick, mind sore and a bit anxious tonight. The weekend was amazing and I will not let my own ineptitude counter the phenomenal time I have shared with family, loved ones, Michael and friends these last three days.

Sleep in peace.

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