Well its been another long night, but you sure got alot done! Good work on the music and laundry, not so much on the studying and planning for the week. Don't forget that tomorrow you need to call corporate and register that certificate and award, other wise you lose the credit, cash, and pretty much look like a dumb ass.
BTW...in the morning, please make some fresh coffee. This really weird habit of drinking day old coffee is starting to freak someone out (you know who) and even though he doesn't touch the stuff, he still doesn't think its healthy. (read...sane)
Hmm...well might as well put everything away and head off to bed, just didn't want a this day to rush by without putting a few thoughts down. Congrats on the good work yesterday and for getting home after work, instead of slaggin' all over the city. Make sure to call Stephen in the morning and make sure he woke up for church. Oh...and don't forget to pray about what David stopped by and told you. Mums the word, topper!
I know you are tired, but a few more lines won't hurt. What is going on with you? How have you been? Why have you just kept operating on auto-pilot? I think you are trying to talk yourself out of school (DON'T) and also are thinking about blowing off the Pure Heart Seminar. (PLEASE DON'T) Are you really this self duplicitous all the time, or is this something new?
Don't forget to get the car clean in the morning, and for once, wear something casual for a change. And yes, some of the things you wear "look" casual, but lets change it up a bit? I dare you to just grab something and put it on, say...right out of the dryer? Oh...and cut your hair, it looks funny!
What about the new glasses? Are you ever going to wear them? Let me know on that, otherwise what the hell did you buy them for?
Hmm...new thoughts on the blog, about asking and answering questions and then have other people post their thoughts and answers...prolly not going to fly, since people don't even have time to write their mothers a letter. How are they going to find time to write you something? I dunno...think on it I suppose. Love you man and glad you are feeling better!
PS: Call your parents tomorrow, and your siblings..they miss you.
Why have you been in such a downer mood lately? I think not having jobs is starting to get to the boy and I. It's hard to be motivated when you aren't doing anything productive. What is it that keeps you upbeat right now? I'm really looking forward to the spring so I can stop wearing my parka, but it always seems to take so long to get here! What is your biggest concern at the moment? Well, I'm not sure that it's my biggest (paying bills is probably that) but I still have no idea what I want to do with my life and I feel like I'm way behind at age 24. What's something that made you smile today? This blog! I like the idea :)
ReplyDeleteDay old coffee can work for you, but you gotta do the following: 1. Make enough to fill a small carafe. 2. Add milk/cream, and flavoring.
ReplyDeleteTa da!, you got espresso stuff like Starbucks...at 1/5th the price! (Joe to the rescue.)
Haha. you're funny!