What an odd and strangely blessed day. Drove to work on top of the world, and drove home tonight settled and at peace, even in the midst of this storm.
New Years past have found me anywhere from Manhattan to Chicago, but this one was spent here in Kansas City simply and happened to be the most amazing one of record to date.
I worked today, after sleeping in a bit, and then went downtown to Bartle Hall to the One Thing conference to spend my New Years with Stephen and so many people. 20,000 young people singing and dancing their hearts out to begin today and the rest of our time. Wow! I have never seen anything like that in my life!
It was good, and I am in a better place. Sleep will find me soon, but I sleep tonight happy and at rest with all the things I still don't understand. There is an answer.
Happy New Year, my friend. I pray that 2010 is a year of rich blessings for you.