It is amazing to me that at times when I am at my lowest point internally, both spiritually and emotionally, out of the blue, a Christian friend will call to check on me, chat and just share life and time.
Tonight as I was getting ready for bed, I was feeling pretty low about some stuff and Stephen called to check in and see how I was doing and what was going on with me. It was great to talk to him about current things that I am learning, what God is showing me and to also listen to his struggles and lessons.
We both have realized that we need accountability in our lives about so many things, but are hesitant to take that step and really open up and share what we are facing and fighting with. As men, we hate admitting weakness and confessing what is really going on in our lives. Why does everything always have to be fine, and when did we get the idea that the real details of our friends lives are none of our business? If we never asked and answered questions, we would never learn anything about them, or be able to help them with their problems. It is good to have such a great friend who continually points me back to Christ, listens to my crap and still loves me in spite of my brokeness.
Tonight he asked me if I had any interest in starting to minister to others, sharing my testimony, possibly teach or speak and get involved in prayer and worship for others. I was candid and told him that for so many reason I feel unworthy or unqualified to be a part of God's work. He listened to it all, reminded me who I was as God's beloved kid, and spoke some truth in love to me. God can use me. I am not worthless. It is time I stop listening and believing all these lies that pop into my head.
God's timing is good. I need the encouragement and shot in the arm from another brother. Stephen, thanks for being my friend. You are loved. I trust you will consider and pray over what we discussed and hold me in your heart and prayers before God, as I will you.
Thanks God. You are pretty amazing...
Um, you have already been ministering to me at times through your blog. Your words draw me in to listen intently. I'll be praying for you as you consider other ways to minister to others.