Hmm..sitting here about noon considering either more coffee...or lunch. Haven't bounced out of the house yet, but the gray day seems to be holding me in a bit longer than usual. Yesterday was excellent and much needed. Got to do some wandering, work on my photography, met Jeff to hang out a bit and then pizza and a movie with Michael. We watched "Must Love Dogs". Pretty cute movie and seemed to fit the occasion as he is getting ready to adopt a new little puppy this weekend to fill the void in his heart left by Brutus, who passed away just a few months hence.

I did find it interesting that while he identified with the girls in their search for love and meaning, the points in the film that brought me a few deep sighs and single tears were the intersections of the guys in their lives and the beauty that such conflict and communication can bring. It was good to watch something funny and sweet and just hang out. It is good to be close.
Today has a list in store, but how much will get done I am not sure. Oil change, grocery shopping, dinner tonight at church for Third Thursday and who knows what else...oh yeah...fill the car up with gas and stuff. At least it is clean!

I guess I don't have much on my mind at the moment, though my toes are kind of cold...mental note, grab some socks...lol This week is going well and this year is finally kind of settling into a comfortable pattern and rhythm after the hectic pace of holidays and birthdays. Simple I guess is good.
Something is needed though, a change perhaps of something, not sure what, just know that there has to be more than this? I am not talking about activity, or friends, or work, but of the satisfaction that comes from truly producing something of worth and living for more than just myself and keeping the people in my life happy and taken care of. I need something to stretch my horizons internally, a challenge to something new. Music, art, free time, patterns, conversations, movements and haunts in the city are all the same and have been for a while. New everything, or new something? I already have a new someone. I dunno right now.

Somewhat puzzled by my relationships with others right now, but I guess that inquisitiveness appears when all is well and I am wondering when something is going to mess up or break. Contentment fits well, like a over washed flannel shirt and broken in blue jeans. Is this what happy feels like? Not sure...it has been awhile.
Welp, guess I ought to get my day going, this list isn't going to do itself. At least I got my workout and run in already...time to hit the shower and get out there for the rest of the day. Hopefully I'll find some words later to capture what is going on in my head and heart right now. It is all over my face, in my eyes and crisp smile...the way I hum and sing to myself...just don't have the clarity to put it down here.

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