When you say a situation or person is hopeless...you are slamming the door in the face of God.
Today marks another milestone in life, and I woke early, as none were the matter for my heart, even though in this tight, smooth place is at rest. Oddly enough, I feel settled.
I do not have the answers for all the questions. I do not have a turn of phrase or glint of eye that will make all right.
But I have the absolute confidence that this too shall pass. Time tells all things.
Hello Mr. New Year! May this day find my steps light, my heart full of bubbling joy and the song on my lips that follows me greet each person with something more than myself. This year bodes well for a man-boy yet to be.
And this too shall come to pass! Amen, older brother! I love this reflection. I, too, await God's marvelous plans with assured hope and joy.