Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cleaning house...

Woke up today after a great night's sleep. The rain finally came last night and what a gentle sound that carried me to rest. The rumble of thunder and water running in the eaves, slowly slipping down the window panes...peace.

Got some coffee in me and the day feels full of hope, of a promise just beckoning. Messages and emails read and so much encouragement from friends and family all over the world. Guess God knew that I needed a pick me up. For all who wished me well and challenged me to better choices, much thanks.

Re-read my post on thankfulness this morning and realized that I am truly blessed with an abundance that somehow calls to be shared and used for more than just my gratification and ease. Need to consider how I am supposed to live this out on others lives. I don't think all this stuff is needed. Wanted maybe, at some point, but kind of cluttering up my life as well. How much crap does one guy need? I am reminded of that verse that says, "Having food and clothes, let us be content." I think for a long time I was NOT content, so just kept collecting more material things, hoping to fill that hole in my heart. So many others are in need. People that I know, not some faceless, nameless "they". Hmmmm...

So cleaning house today. I am going through all this stuff, putting things in order, dusting, vacuuming, organizing and making some decisions. If I have not touched or used something for over a year, I need to think about putting it to use, sharing it with someone else, or discarding it. It boggles my mind how emotionally and sentimentally attached to objects I am! I have some "reason" for keeping just about everything I own, even if it is silly. All these emotional lodestones and markers. Some of it HAS to go! I also need to start making more intentional choices about what I bring into my life, people and things.

It is so fresh and green!

Got my music blaring, my metaphorical apron on and ready to put this place ship shape. For a guy who is going to live on a boat someday, I really need to pare and trim all these things down. I liked to think my life was simple, till I started looking at the sheer volume of possessions I have. What was I thinking? Do I really need every single color option in certain shoes I enjoy? And all these coats? And what about the shirts, jeans, sweaters, t-shirts, shorts...akkk!!!

Somewhere along the way, I picked up the idea that what I wore on my body was who I am. They are just costumes. Things to present myself to others and not be naked in public. And some of this stuff, never gets touched! I just keep it, because I have it. This is going to be a fun chore and more than likely, a trip down memory lane.

So I will be over here...wandering around as my A.D.D. takes me. Cleaning house, touching things, remembering and sorting. Back in my Navy days, everything I truly needed fit into a few sea bags. I don't think I will resort to that drastic of measures, but surely I can trim down my life and resources.

OMG...such a huge task!

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