Saturday, September 19, 2009

Huzzah..its Ren Fest Day!

Getting an early start this morning. Up at 7:04, right at sunrise. A new day has begun and I have hit the ground running! OK, so not really running, but a good beginning. When did I get so out of shape? To many years of good food and not having to pursue something I guess. I used to run in the Navy, at least when they chased me! I can still hear my Chief yelping at me.

Coffee inside of me and most of my reps behind me. Today is chest and arms. Cardio will have to be added soon in order to cut this BMI index. I could spare at least 20 pounds of fat. I want to see whats underneath again, maybe by my birthday? That would lower my blood pressure and make me feel alot better. I know its there, but how did I pick this all up? One bite at a time, methinks! Who would have thought I weighed this much? I carry it well, thanks for the broad shoulders Dad.

Couple of hours till the Ren Fest, today is going to be a great day! I need to keep my eyes out for the good pictures, open my ears to listen and my eyes to enjoying new things. How about a different pattern of life for awhile? New things are brewing and on the starboard horizon. Keep a steady watch boys!

More later, still have to finish my press and curls and get ready for an adventure. Tally ho!

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