Sunday, October 25, 2009

WaterFire and Fall

It has been more than a few days since I put some words out there. Life and its rhythms have been changing in many ways and I am learning much about myself and how I view things.

There has been much guilt that I have been carrying about my past...I am releasing it.

Confusion at times is my lack of processing information correctly from people. No information is just input. The stories I tell myself to satisfy that eternal "why" in my head are being put to sleep and rest finally. Life is.

Had an awesome time last night at WaterFire. Wandering the streets and taking it all in. Some familiar faces were seen, but for the most part I spent time listening to the haunting music and watching the faces and pets of strangers. So many people, intense energy and the sense of being part of the wonder that is life. Each year this ushers in a new Autumns and seems to settle and prepare me for the holidays. I love this time of year.

I bought two new journals last night to fill, but hope that the words I put there daily will not slow my progress on this blog. I still have yet to find my voice, but am learning to not self censor. All the ideas and thoughts deserve to see the light of day. It is when they are examined later that I often learn of myself.

Being single in life has such a different feel. I keep reaching out to share with someone who is not there. Will this be my part in life, near but not with? I don't feel alone, but I definitely feel singular. What am I still looking for? I know I am searching...I feel it.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen WaterFire in Providence, RI and found it amazing.
